3D-Laser scanning
Missing, inaccurate or outdated plans are not uncommon for existing buildings. If structural changes are planned, updated plans, floor plans and section views are required as a basis for the project. But even in new buildings there are very often deviations between planning and reality. Using 3D-laser scanning, digital measurements can be made quickly and precisely. Use the method in a targeted and timely manner and save time and money in your project.
2D plans
In existing buildings or in comparison with new buildings:
With our terrestrial 3D laser scanner, buildings can be scanned with high precision, both indoors and outdoors.
On this basis, we create your 2D plan drawings (also with VOB-compliant area evaluations).
3D models
3D terrestrial laser scanning is the most accurate method of capturing buildings.
3D models can be developed from the data point cloud. The models are made available in a browser-based web platform and enable effective teamwork.
In addition to the creation of plans and models, the 3D laser scans can be used as an efficient and highly precise tool for a variety of other applications:
- inventory
- documentation
- flatness analysis